The vote to find the "Biggest Gaylord on the JMF" has entered its last week, and with only five days left, it appears to be coming down to a straight slap fight between the King and Jamon. Only yesterday, Jamons seemingly invincible pole position was briefly cut to nothing as the King drew level for the first time. Your vote WILL make a difference! Closing date midnight 31/10/06.
Who is the biggest gaylord on the J.M.F?
this gay shit is not working not only did i and the whole of my msn dudes try 2 vote there seems to be some kind of blockage probably summoned by the biggest gaylord himself,sorry i mean just gaylord the lord of the gays(easy bri)or is that next month the "smallest gaylord".Well i know which one id rather be. So JAMON muthafuckers keep voting!
"hi my name is bri got any pigs?"
That isn't the biggest gaylord trying to pass himself off as the smallest is it?
King Dave, I know you may find it hard to believe, but it appears the great British public consider you to be the biggest fudge packer on the JMF. If its any consolation, I myself consider Jamon to be far fruitier than yourself.
ok ok hang about if funky's in this comp surely he wins by default not to mention iam your father, who actually is gay!
I thought Funky would have walked it, and I always wondered about I am your father.
His royal straightness: K. David II is 100% correct, this whole voting bollocks is a farse of epic scale.
The blatantly transparent reasoning behind this conclusion is simple:
If the voting was not rigged the sheer mention of Funky's name would necessitate a voting rush of land-slide proportion.
It is common knowledge that PJ is a sexual deviant.
This man takes great pride in his personal collection of anal probes.
This man is "the gayest member of the JMF".
Therefore whatever the outcome of your "crap-voting-shite-nonsense" the end result is the same, Paul Jeanette wins - pants down.
When all is said and done: YOU, Mr. I know I'll do a vote which will be really really really funny and me and me group of swine bothering nerds will have a reeeeeeeeeet gud laugh at people who are blatantly not gay to cover up th fact the we (The Euro-homos) prefer men-pigs to women-pigs.
The JMF will rise above your petty nonsense and will not give you the satisfaction of reprisal. We will accept your moronic behaviour as simply the rather sad actions of sexually frustrated, balding middle-aged, white pump wearing pumper!
I believe my case is well and truely rested and advise you that your reiteration will only confirm what we already know.
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