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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!

Well another year prepares to bite the dust (is it me or did the last one fly past?), and after being laid low last time round, I am up for it this year. I was hoping to get to the Grand Quesos, but couldn't find a sitter. So it is into deep buffoon country, as I drag the Elster and the bambinos into Wilsden, to go to a shindig at Nana Gwen's, matriarch of the Jannetta clan, known for their tom foolery at this time of year. I have liberated a crate of DAB from Oddbins, at the bargain price of £19.99, and am good to go. Will update, hangover permitting, on the events of the evening, and lay out plans for 2009.

Hope you have a great one, whatever you are doing, and wish everybody a grand old 2009.

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