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Friday, December 12, 2008

Had to Pass Comment

I just couldn't let this one slide. I first heard of it on the radio, in an extended news program, on how some half arsed government think tank was going to try and put youngsters of taking cocaine. It involved some geezer from the Peep Show program, and a stuffed dog. Real cutting edge stuff, they said, that would really speak to the "Kids" and debunk the "Coke is cool" culture of young Britain. Now why on Earth anybody would think any advert would stop someone from doing something, I don't know, but this has to be the stupidest, lamest, most condescending piece of public service film since they thought a CGI slug called Sid would stop us all eating to much salt. It truly beggars belief, that anybody would think that a smart arse stuffed terrier, used to take us on an odyssey of cocaine fuelled tom foolery. You can almost see them ticking the boxes as they dreamt it up. First up is the dodgy dealer, cutting it with headache tablets, and protecting his turf with a nearby pistol. The grungy night club with some young slapper snorting off a bog seat, while we get a cut scene showing her pumping like the clappers. My favourite is the agitated young fella, who tells the toy pooch to "STOP STARING AT ME!!!!" before giving it a slap. Shame someone didn't extend the same treatment to the fat head who thought this trash up. If you haven't had the pleasure of this uncut grade A nonsense follow the link below.

'Talk to Frank' - Pablo The Drug Mule Dog anti-cocaine advert

I'll wager my left testicle, that this will have no effect at all. In fact quite the opposite. The message I took away from this was that if you snort Charles, it makes you think stuffed animals can speak, and are very droll and dead pan at that.

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