Last night the unnerving news broke that the Mean Repressive Spouses, in an unprovoked attack, have claimed their first victim of the holiday season. Brother Shouty has been kidnapped by a high ranking operative in the M.R.S., codenamed SammyJ. His whereabouts on the 16/12/06, our annual Xmas shindig date, are to be kept secret from his brothers in the bender squad, as he is forced to endure the unholy hardship of the wife's birthday!!!!!!!! A meeting has been hastily arranged to try and conceive a rescue mission, but information as to where this dastardly deed is to take place remain sparse. The chopper is juiced and ready to spring into action. Anybody who see's this character on the 16th of December please call 999, and quote S.O.S...(Save our Shouty). Please DO NOT approach. SammyJ is one of the meanest of the evil M.R.S. Her infamous laddered tights are made from an unknown material and are impossible to break free from once she has tangled you in their dastardly web. Let this be a warning to all fellow brothers of the squad to be at your most vigilant. Together we will prevail.
"Quod inter amicos accidit, inter amicos manet"
"Quod inter amicos accidit, inter amicos manet"
Shouty's not shouting anymore!!!!
Is that a thumb just outa shot??
Hang on a min, its smmyj@s birthday on the 14th not 16th ,I don@t see the problem!
I noticed you have chosen to stay anonymous, last poster!
Its probably Shouty himself....
But true, I defo don't see a problem.
All the best,
Bri Puesey
I stayed anon coz I didn't want the wrath of my sister upon me !
Who's signing posts with my name!!!!
yes it's that time a day again folks and i@m pissed do w.t.f. i say we amke it a challenge and the m.r.s. take in the jamon mofo and eoro elite and lets see who's the last standing................
Hick ! Hick !
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