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Monday, September 07, 2009

WTF are they on!!!!!

I usually hate abbreviated text, but after seeing this advert I have to say "WTF!" Never mind drugs, it appears we have been invaded by some kind of weird owl-human hybrid, who possess super sized saucer eyes! If I'd have been that copper I would have floored my fluorescent jam sandwich, and skedaddled in the opposite direction. Is'nt it typical of our Health Nazis to make such a hysterically funny/useless campaign about the dangers of driving whilst under the influence of an illegal narcotic? I have frequented many a rave /dance club/blues in my time, and I have NEVER come across a set of individuals who looked anything remotely like this cadre of freaks. I reckon I would have remembered, because I would have shit my pants!

Yet another chunk of my tax money, flushed down the toilet.


PS Follow this link, to see just how much brass was wasted on this nonsense, and the smug butt holes who seem to think it is the geatest thing since sliced tofu. Oh, they also reveal the computer generated graphics used to make the "Spooky" eyes, which kind of defeats the whole purpose of the clip.

PPS They would have got clean away if the dumb blonde in the back hadn't looked out the window.......

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