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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jet Lag

Sorry I have not been keeping up to date on the old blog, but my sleep patterns are still all over the place. Combine this with the insipid matches that have been served up during the World Cup, and I have been out cold on the sofa every night by nine o'clock. I have no immediate plans this weekend, and aim to get caught up. There has been some plenty of buffoonery to report, particularly from two members, who at this rate, may well yet catch up to run away leader Trigger. All shall be revealed. I will also bore you with some of my American antics, and post a galley on the smug mug site. Last but not least, there are some "Wristband Around the World" shots to upload, and I am also going to try an set up mobile blogging, so I can post things as they happen, instead of trying to remember everything a couple of days down the line. I aim to start tonight by updating all the doings that have transpired down "The Wood" whilst I have been on my travels.

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