As regular readers of this blog know, I often have idiotic ideas One of them is getting everybody who has an 1860 wristband, to have their photograph taken, wearing said clothing item, in famous, historic, unusual or foreign locations. If you click on the slide show in the top corner of my blog, it will take you to the online gallery I have set up for this spectacular waste of time. So far there have been some good one's, taken around Europe, and even New Zealand. But a certain member has gone above and beyond the call of duty.
Step forward Sprocket, who has braved one of the most dangerous countries on the planet, to add his contribution to spreading Der Lowen name across the globe. He has taken quite a few pics, but I have chosen these three, that were taken on his jaunt to Karachi, in the country of Pakistan. I picked the beach one, because it looks quite artistic. I picked the one of our hero with the armed guards, because I know that is his favourite. And I picked the last one because he looks like a proper Gaylord. Jonesy, you are a true legend.
Whilst we are on the subject of the Mighty lions, good news, as they broke their three game winless streak, by beating MSV Duisberg 3:1, in front of just under 20,000 at the Allianz. Big bad Benny Lauth was on the score sheet for the first time in a while, as 1860 eased away from the relegation zone. Next up is bottom of the league FSV Frankfurt 1899, so hopes are high for another win. One thing that is annoying though is the advert currently playing on ESPN. In it they sweep through some of the most famous stadiums in Europe. Whilst they do this they name the teams that play there. For instance, when they show the San Siro, a caption comes up saying "Home of Inter and AC Milan." But when it gets to the Allianz, they only mention the evil shandy drinkers Bayern! What makes it even harder to bear, is that they show it illuminated in 1860 blue! The cheek....
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