Style- Kolsch
ABV- 4.8%
Price- was to drunk to remember
Brewed- Köln (Cologne)
Style- Pale Lager
ABV- 5%
Price- 24 cans, about £25
Brewed- Enschede, Holland
A true rivalry, as Holland take on Germany. First up Kolsch, which may not be familiar to all of you, as it is not easily located in the United Kingdom. It does however have an appellation of origin, which in affect means it can only be brewed in it's place of origin, in this case Köln (Cologne). Other alcoholic drinks to have the same standard, amongst others, are Tequila and Champagne. It is served in a strang, a tall thin glass of 0.2 ml, although larger glasses can be found. Because it is served in smaller servings, and sneaks up on you like a son of a bitch. I have been to Cologne twice, and was arsed on both occasions, although I did not suffer a hangover. If Sion Kolsch is not readily available here, the opposite can be said of Grolsch. Famous for it's flick cap lid on it's bottles, which were at one time a fashion item for the teeny bopper fans of Bros, it is a pleasant ale, best drunk on draught or out of the bottle. It is a bit nasty out of a can.
There have been accusations of ballot rigging twice, when Corona and Heineken won, and I suspect there may be some jiggery pokery afoot this time as well. The Shoutster is a well known devotee of the stuff, and revels in his nickname of the Kolschinator. This doesn't mean Grolsch is out of the equation by any means, after it pulled off the not inconsiderable feat of tying with it's close Dutch neighbour Heineken in the Dutch section of the preliminaries. Could be a close one....
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