- The German government is pushing to outlaw the small plastic toys found in Kinder Surprise eggs, and boxes of cereals. This is for the safety, of course, of the poor little kiddies, who might swallow them. Have they never seen the plastic egg the toy comes in Kinder eggs? I have seen smaller vibrating love eggs. Then there is the interesting statistic of not one single bambino ever actually swallowing said toy. Ha ha, I hear you laugh, it iz ze silly Krauts, not us, but with us being in the EU it can surely only be a matter of time but this ludicrous piece of legislation becomes a law throughout Europe.
- Those annoying fucking adverts, telling us that kids copy all their parents bad habits. You must have seen them? The one with the adults having a crafty fag, and at the end little Johnny picks up a crayon and pretend to have puff on it? Or the radio ad, that makes out when we cross the road using our mobiles, that little Janey will do the same and get knocked over? What complete and utter bolloxs! I love broccoli, and make a point of eating it all up, with relish, at the dinner table. Do my kids follow suit? Hell no! They would rather munch on a fried dog turd than eat this healthy vegetable. Brushing teeth, not peeing on the toilet seat, tidying up after myself and wearing fresh underpants every day are just some of the many examples I try to set that my little ragamuffins pay no heed to, yet according to this government propaganda, it should be second nature to them by now. Utter tosh.
- The dick head Tory MP, who reckons teenage pregnancy is down to publications such as Heat and Nuts, filling their pages with semi-naked women, that make our spotty little Lotharios think of the opposite sex as little more than sexual playthings. Number one, the little tarts could always try going on the pill, or, heaven forbid, say no. Number two, how many of the underage/late teenage mothers do you see pushing prams around your way, resemble in any shape or form, the seriously hot chicks depicted in the publications mentioned above? None, that's how many. The miracle for me, is the fact that anybody could sustain an erection long enough to impregnate these apprentice heifers.
- I actually thought one of them was going to speak some sense the other day. He said fat folk should start to shoulder some of the responsibility for, to put it bluntly, being porkers. Hear, hear said I, thinking finally, some semblance of sense was to be spoken by a politician. But then he began to drone on about how policies needed to be put into place, and folk needed educating, blah, blah, blah. The point is not people being fat, as far as I am concerned it is their God given right to eat themselves into an early grave, so what. As for education, who doesn't know that a super size MaccyD meal every meal time is bad for you? That guzzling litre after litre of fizzy pop is going to turn your arse to lard? Nobody, thats who. And the argument that it costs the economy several billions of pounds doesn't was either. According to the busybody do gooders traffic costs billions, as does smoking, beer, lead swingers, train delays, gambling, over filling bins and on and on. The question is, Does the economy actually make any money then? Not according to these people. Oh, and by the way, did you notice the only vice they skirt around? The one that is with a doubt the least healthiest, and cost no doubt billions as well? Still not got it? It's the only one that's illegal. That's right drugs. Heroin, Crack, Coke, and the rest. No we can't point out that these knob heads are in anyway to blame for the predicament they find themselves in. It's disease you know.
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Monday, September 01, 2008
Stop the Nonsense
I have not posted much on the STN (Stop the Nonsense) thread much lately, as I have been kind of mellowed out by the summer, even if it was a piss poor rainy affair. The amount of nonsense spouted by the supposed great and good has not abated, in fact his has probably intensified as the labour government continue to implode, but during the light nights , and with the kids off school it seemed a waste of time to try and keep up. Particular moments of jaw dropping stupidity include these priceless gems;
Stop the Nonsense
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