The Appollo it self had seen slightly better days, I imagine, but this rickety old flea pit was the perfect setting for a band whose hey day were in the dole infested days of Maggie Thatcher. If the place looked a little ragged, the acoustics most certainly weren't. The warm up was above average, and everybody found their seats. The chap in front of me, a mild mannered fellow a couple of years my senior I would guess, proceeded to warn me that he was going to be up and dancing from the off. I assured him I had no problems at all with this, but was in for a shock when the Specials came on stage. He was quite possibly the worst dancer in the world. Ever. Now I appreciate as the the years roll by that we can't be expected to throw down the shapes of our salad days, but this guy appeared to be moving to the sound of a completely different band. I caught the eye of the guy behind me, and he too seemed hypnotised by the out of time swayings of our fellow Rude Boy. Luckily the Specials were brilliant, and after the first song, the novelty of the dancing buffoon faded. Terry Hall, the lead singer never moved about much, but then he never did, but the rest threw themselves about the stage. All the best hits were played, and the encore of "Too much too young" and "Long shot kick the bucket" brought the house down. I thought my little dancing buddy in front was going to explode he was that excited. I had waited a long time to see them play live, they never played Bradford, and my mum wouldn't let me go further afield at the age of 14, and they didn't disappoint. God I wish I was 15 again.....
PS Does anybody know where I can buy a Harrington Jacket? I feel a mid life crisis coming on.
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