I have just returned from the capitol of France, so will use this famous destination to launch the new weekly, Gender or Bender? thread.
- Price- Ooo la la, these people know how to charge. If you do wish to go on a bender, and there are plenty of places to do so remember this. Everybody knows it is more expensive to eat and drink outside, but did you know that in most bars it's cheaper yet a
gain to drink at the bar? That's why they are always locals at the bar. Even then, at current prices, it is near enough £5 a pint. Sit in a tourist trap and it soon rises to nearer £7/8. I saw one place that was charging 12 Euros for a litre, which is more than ten quid! Sacre Bleau! Get down the side streets to find a bar, not a bistro, and if you are intent on a session, get out into the suburbs. In Colombes I was getting a pint for around £4. Food ain't cheap either, although there are plenty of MaccyD's and they serve the cheapest beer you are likely to find not in a super market. Clear your credit card for sure. 2/10
- People- Thisa town has a reputation for chic, but I am not so sure it is well earned. Yeas I know in comparison to Bradford it ranks in another galaxy, but I stand by my findings. There are not just one or two, but loads, of women who really need to be reminded of their age. The sight of fifty to sixty year old women dressed in tight mini skirts, with more slap than you would find on Coco the Clown, is not a good one. Even the sexy young ones all seem to be stuck in the seventies, all black tops and denim stuffed into thigh high boots. Yes there were loads of stunners, dressed like they had walked off the catwalk, but I suspect they may have been Italian. The there is the language thing. Most of us did some French at school, but there is not a whole lot of use for being able to tell someone your name in French. Luckily for us we speak English the language of the world, and to be fair most of the locals do too, and are willing to speak it. Only the most snotty of shop assistants will treat you like a turd if you enquire "Parlez vous Anglais" Only on the Metro at rush hour do good manners seem to fly out the window, and beware the mutton dressed as lamb brigade, who seem to hate everybody. 7/10
- Stuff- If there is a more beautiful city in the world, I have yet to see it. At every turn there seems to be a fantastic church, or grand place full of cafes and the like. This is what London probably looked like before the planners moved in. World famous shopping,
monuments and art galleries abound. "Sounds a bit Gender" I hear you say, but the locals love to drink, and if you land in town with a bunch of thirsty geezers in tow, there are plenty of places to hit the ale. Bastille, Les Halles and around the Sorbonne and Saint Germain are worthy places to visit, but for those on a mission look no further than Le Pigalle. Home to the Moulin Rouge, it rivals Amsterdam's red light district for sex shops and peep shows, although there is no window shopping. It has bars and clubs open into the wee hours, and is as seedy as it comes. As for events and football, there is always something to do. 10/10 - Reputation- as mentioned above, it has a reputation for being expensive, but apart from that everything is good. Fine dining, cafe culture and street life are things that this city does as well as any. It is a place, to my mind, that everybody should visit at least twice, as every time you go, you seem to get a better handle on the place. A must see. 9/10
- Intrigue- Because it has so much to offer, and doesn't have one specific reason to visit, it very rarely gets mentioned as a stag night or landmark birthday destination, in the same vein as say Dublin or Amsterdam, and because of it's eye watering price of beer, falls behind the new frontiers of Eastern Europe. But if I were to ring around the lads this weekend, and say I am organizing a Bender to Paris, the uptake would be fantastic. But there is no getting away from the fact that other cities would garnish an even greater uptake, so it sadly doesn't rank as an elite Bender option. 6/10
- VERDICT- 34/50. Way above average, and a place I love. My advise? Take the wife. GENDER.
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