YYYYYYYYYYYYyyyyyyyyargghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Ye filthy bilge rats, it be I Captain McEuro, back from me travails sailing the seven seas to finding me McTreasures, and a hellacious journey it be. From the sweltering pits of Hades, to the freezing wastelands of the Nortern Lights, me journey has taken in all the dastardley sea could McThrow at me. To be sure, at my McAge it Mcbe a trip to far, so from this day hence I be requiring some McAssistance from the most able of McSeaman, me first mate McCrespo. But that be to follow in the McWeeks to come. To start ye all off this week on me greatest adventure, a devilish conundrum to fry the mind. I be leving some clues, in me McRamblings, it be up to ye to be McDeciphering the McScraps that be left fer ye, to try and McPart me from one of me McPreciuos doubloons. So all ye wart infested poop deckers, take a shot of gin or bourbon, and try to be McFigurin'.....
Where be MMMMcEEuroooooooo?????????
Is u in the united states and America??
Is it... Bourbon, Kentucky?
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