Over the last few weeks, between vacation time and not really giving an arse, I am ready to get back to the business of Stop The Nonsense. Part of the reason I am ready to relaunch this thread, is the vintage week we have just had i the world of bolloxs. First up is the booties for police dogs, sent into Muslim properties, when searching for drugs or weapons of mass destruction. It seems we cant be offending pushers or fanatics. it stems from Scotland, where a Muslim councillor complained about a crime prevention poster featuring a German Shepard puppy, as he claims his religion says they are unclean. One guy, that's right, one guy makes a complaint and an internal inquiry is held, and now police pooches need to wear socks. Nonsense indeed. Sticking with the Federales, is the story about a sniper who is so lethal at what he does, he has acquired among his colleagues the nick name "killer", a name he appeared to have no problems with. That is until one of his superior officers cracked a joke about it at a social function. This so called "Killer", who is responsible for the demise of several people, had his feelings hurt by this supposed slur, that he entered a grievance, and because it was cheaper than taking the matter through a tribunal and legal hearings, they said "Sorry mate.." and slipped him £5,000. To follow any other path would have cost the tax payer upwards of £150,000, so the decision was taken to cough up the cheaper option. But what the fuck, it is only tax payers money, isn't it. I can imagine trying to the same in my job, the next time my gaffer refers to me as a "Fuckwit" A golden P45 would more than likely be my reward.
Next up is probably the most useless man in Britain, Gordon Brown. After stealing away our pensions and taxing us to within an inch of life, he now tells us to start cleaning our plates, as food wastage is contributing to rising food prices. How the devil would he know? I just bet he digs out his wallet to pay for the no doubt most expensive food, at the seemingly endless functions he seems to attend. Only last week, his stooge in the Chancellery, Alistar Darling, was telling us all to start tightening our belts, as he and the top brass at the Bank of England chowed down on a lavish, no doubt paid for by our hard earned, million course meal. i tell you, these people must think we are as thick as pig shit. Of course the rise in food cost has nothing to do with soaring transport costs or farmers changing production over to bio-fuels, it is your fault for tossing that "buy one get one free" loaf of bread that has two out of date slices left on it. And all this about the poor in India, Pakistan having to beg for food. Every article you read seems to have some poor wretch wailing that she will be unable to feed her seven kids. Seven kids? I'd struggle to pay to feed seven kids on my wage. Of course if I had seven kids in this country it would mean I was living in a five bedroom council house, on benefits of £25,000+ a year, but that my friends is a rant for another day. So you better stop hiding your broccoli under your spuds come Sunday dinner, or Gordon will send round the Grub Gestapo to take you for re-education. I may be joking now, but if this country were to give this buffoon anther term in office...
To close out this weeks STN news is a story I found on the BBC website, that shows Nonsense isn't just confined to these shores, but is truly an International problem (Well mainly in Europe and the USA). It happened in Sweden, and centres around a young boy who was having a birthday party. The eight year old showed up to school and invited all his school chums, bar two, who were obviously not chums, or they would have been in invited. But one of the teachers caught wind of this, and confiscated all the invitations, saying it was discriminatory not to invite everybody, and as such was illegal, according to the school, who reported the matter to the Swedish Parliament. I kid you not. They are claiming this eight year old has violated the rights of the two kids not invited. It would be funny, but mark my words, it will more than likely be coming to a school near you....
Stop The Nonsense!!!
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