Gruss Gott, meine freundin, I m back in the UK, no longer in my thirties, but having breached the 40 year old barrier. Of course this means I have got my self a pair of slippers, purchased a pipe and forgone all hedonistic pursuits. And monkeys might fly out of my arse!! Salzburg was fantastic, the beer was cheaper than the coffee, plenty of pork and sauerkraut and snow. Oh, and it was minus 10 on a night. Got wankered with Big Frank and a couple of Italians on my birthday eve, unfortunately after downing a shed full of shorts most of it was brought back up later that morning. They were well impressed with my knowledge of the Italian language which consists of the phrase "Mia Molgia e Padzo!" The Austrian birds were pretty nice, but not as fine as their German counterparts, not that I was looking (was there with the Elster). The Christmas market was very pretty, though it sold mainly tat, and mulled wine, although the kids loved the ice rink. I even had a go at ice skating, for the first time since I was about 14, and man
aged not fall on my keister. Did the Sound of Music Tour with a mad English woman as tour guide, who sang in a high pitched voice that had the local feline population running for cover. Saw all the sights from the film, including this one to the right of me and the Elster outside the gazebo where they sang 16 going on 17. Elster was trying to get all romantic, but I was too quick for her on this occasion. On the last day, caught der zug across the border into Germany, going up into the Alps to visit some proper Bavarian mountain villages. After trying to find some TSV stuff all week, me and Ike finally found somewhere that had everything 1860, from sweatbands and scarves, to hats and pencil cases. And it was closed. Bolloxs. Oh well back in Blighty now, and looking forward to Xmas. Will catch up on other things later today, as Ike is pestering me for the PC. Auf Weidersein.
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