Apologies for the lack of postings over the last few days, but I have been struck down with some kind of flemmy chest infection. While I was laid up on the sofa on Sunday night I noticed one of my favourite zombie movies was on, the remake of "The Dawn of the Dead". After the movie had finished I couldn't help thinking that something had been cut out. While I was still laid low yesterday I decided to watch the DVD version that I have, to see if i was correct. there was a scene deleted all right, and you won't believe what it was. It wasn't scene's of wanton flesh eating. A needless sex scene was left intact as well. Full frontal nudity, numerous head shots from high calibre rifles, people burnt alive, run over, skewered through the eye, hell even the birth of a baby zombie was deemed okay. The scene that was cut, in other words the part that channel 4 didn't think was suitable for a mature audience after 10 o'clock in the evening was a speech by a religious figure, who indicated that he believed the zombie plague was due to sex out of wedlock, gay marriages and abortions, and thus hell had become to full, and its denizens had overspilled into our world. The thought police strike again, even zombie movies are not safe from the PC brigade.
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