After a long day out earning a crust, I came home to check on my e-mails and noticed I had received a post from evil Tescoholic Jamon. After the recent fall out over the picture of my erstwhile mate in a compromising position with members of the same sex, admittedly doctored by myself, which I removed and apologised for, I mistakenly believed the hatchet had been buried. More fool me! In this electronic mail I discovered my soon to be mortal nemesis had spent another afternoon of his company's time compiling pictures of various inbreds, and purporting them to be members of my family and friends in Tiffin, Ohio, USA. I would perhaps have been more amused, had this blatant lie not been perpetrated by someone who did not hail from the European capital of keeping it in the family, Wilsden, a small Roysten Vasey-esc, village on the out skirts of Bradford, England. The only people not partaking in incest in this weird little borough, are out on the Moors wearing Wellies and tailing sheep. So to settle this argument once and for all I am running another poll to determine the which to is the biggest backwater. And before that big puff Jamon starts bleating about no longer residing there, I quote, "You can take the boy out of Wilsden, but you can't take the Wilsden out of the boy."
Pig Chasing Tiffin or Sheep Loving Wilsden?
Dear all,
I beleive proof of Ohioan inbreed'ery, is evident for all to see in its prodigal son - the man who takes nepotism to a whole new level, the rather thick-necked, pig racing/shagging/eating, Mr. Brian Pussy.
"Yes Pussy" !
It's a little known fact that good-ol boy Bri originated from a deep-south Yankee clan called Pussy before his tribe of parasitic, mongolloyd, hot-dog munching inbreeds moved to cultivated Bradford and changed their dodgy surname to Puesey by removing an S and incerting a couple of e's (something he took to extremes in later years).
I am not an expert on surnames but I beleive in England that someone called Fletcher made arrows, some called Smith would have a been a blacksmith etc etc so what the fuck did a PUSSY do in America??
Therefore, yes Wilsden is a little strange, weired, "close" but when comparing it's Smiths, Browns, Rogers etc against the Cocks, Knob-cheeses, Twats, McCunt's of Tiff'en then we look fairly normal.
Good people of the Bender Squad, this horrible little man isn't asking you to vote for Tiff'en over Wilsden - he's asking you to vote America over our own proud nation - take a stance now (and join the JMF - badges available for only £1) vote against the Pussy!
In Wilsden, if names were truly representive, most of the young inbreds would be named "Co-Op car park" after their place of conception. As for hill billies can anyone truly compete with the McCullochs? Then of course theres the annual Whicker Sheep festival, which as any who is familiar whith the wicker man movie, involves ritual sacrifice and buggery amongst family members.
As a final warning, I would like to advise any unwiitting individual who stumbles into this black hole of depravity, that whatever may happen "Stick to the path!"
I moved from Wilsden over 10 years ago and aint goin back there, YOU HEAR ME aint goin back there!!!!!
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